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Click on the report to get your copy but first, you are invited to read through my list of common investor mistakes and learn about my online financial literacy course A Course in Faith-Based Financial Life Planning. The course comes with a 30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee plus a limited time offer of 50% off with coupon code PROSPER. Learn more by clicking on the course icon below. Thanks again for visiting Catalyst Wealth Planning. When I can be of service to you and your family, let me know!

The Dirty Dozen

Common Investor Mistakes

  • Invest without a financial plan or an investment strategy
  • Buy or sell based on recent performance
  • Hold bad investments too long
  • Improper diversification 
  • Try to time the market
  • Insufficient liquidity 
  • Improper allocation 
  • Selective memory
  • Buy and forget 
  • Act on hot tips
  • Loss aversion
  • Anchoring 
  • Herding 

Learn about these investing mistakes plus budgeting, achieving your financial goals, protecting your family, financial stewardship and so much more in A Course in Faith-Based Financial Life Planning: An Easy to Follow Guide to Creating Purpose, Peace and Prosperity in Your Financial Life. The perfect course for Christian couples. To learn more and receive 50% off, click on the course icon on the left. Use coupon code PROSPER, good for a limited time only.

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